FOTO nga Buchas/ Ukraina: Kemi gjetur rreth 410 trupa të shtrirë rrugëve. Po kthehet në një Sebrenicë të re!


Trupat me duar të lidhura, plagë me armë zjarri nga një distancë e afërt dhe shenja torture ishin të shpërndara në Bucha një qytet në periferi të Kievit pasi ushtarët rusë u tërhoqën nga zona.

A dead civilian is found lying in the road with his hands tied behind his back

Sipas Daily Mail, Ukraina ka akuzuar ushtrinë ruse për masakrimin e banorëve të Bucha. Të djegur, të gjymtuar, të torturuar, të pushkatuar janë trupat e të vdekurve në Bucha, teksa autoritetet bëjnë me dije se deri tani kanë mbledhur rreth 410 prej tyre.

Dead bodies litter the streets near Bucha, a suburb of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, after Russian forces withdrew from the region - leaving evidence of 'war crimes' in their wake

Shumë prej tyre ishin të varrosur në baltën e rrugëve, të tjera të shtypura nga automjetet e gjurmuara dhe të lënë të kalben për javë të tëra. Ata duket se ishin vrarë nga një distancë e afërt. Të paktën dy i kishin duart e lidhura pas shpine, njëri u qëllua në kokë dhe tjetrit iu lidhën këmbët.

A mass grave was discovered in the grounds of the Church of St. Andrew and Pyervozvannoho All Saints in Bucha, containing the bodies of dozens of civilians

Hanna Herega, një banore, tha se trupat ruse filluan të qëllonin mbi një fqinj që kishte dalë për të mbledhur dru për ngrohje.

“Ata e goditën pak mbi thembër, duke e shtypur kockën dhe ai u rrëzua. Më pas i qëlluan plotësisht me çizme në këmbën e majtë. Më pas e qëlluan me të gjithë”-tha Herega.

Another view of the mass grave discovered close to a church in Bucha. Satellite images suggest Russian forces began digging the pit on March 10, shortly after occupying the region

Dy varre masive u zbuluan në Bucha, një nga më shumë se 30 qytetet dhe periferitë e çliruara ditët e fundit.

Të mbijetuarit që dolën nga bodrumet pas javësh nëntokë treguan për ekzekutime të shkurtra, dhunë seksuale dhe terror që nuk ishin parë që nga sundimi sovjetik i terrorit të Jozef Stalinit në vitet 1930.

A man and two women weep as they stand next to a mass grave filled with the bodies of Ukrainian civilians dug into the ground of one of Bucha's largest churches

Bucha u quajt ‘Srebrenica e Re’ në lidhje me masakrën e 8,000 muslimanëve në vitin 1995 gjatë Luftës së Bosnjës. Presidenti ukrainas Volodymyr Zelensky dhe kryetari i bashkisë së Kievit Vitali Klitschko akuzuan shtetin rus për ‘gjenocid’.

A white van with the word 'children' written on the bonnet - intended as a warning to Russian troops that youngsters were inside - is seen riddled with bullet holes in the city of Bucha

A civilian with his hands tied behind his back is seen lying dead on the streets of Bucha, as Ukraine says Russian forces executed at least 410 people in the region

Russian forces, which had occupied areas to the west of Kyiv since the early days of the war, withdrew from the region at the weekend - leaving behind evidence of atrocities

Ukrainian volunteers load the body of a civilian, allegedly killed by Russian forces, into the back of a make-shift ambulance as another lies on the pavement behind them in the city of Bucha

The corpse of a civilian, killed while riding their bicycle along the side of a road, was among hundreds of bodies uncovered by Ukrainian forces after Russian troops withdrew from the region

A Ukrainian civilian walks along a street littered with the remains of Russian tanks and armoured vehicles after the city of Bucha, on the western outskirts of Kyiv, was recaptured by Ukrainian forces

The hand of a woman, who witnesses say was shot dead by Russian troops, is seen lying on the street in Bucha, to the west of Kyiv, after Moscow's forces withdrew from the region

Four people, all thought to be civilians, were found dead under a blanket on the side of a highway close to Bucha, Ukraine

A member of a civilian defence force looks underneath a blanket where four people, all thought to be civilians, were found dead near Bucha

A Ukrainian serviceman uses a piece of wood to check if the body of a man dressed in civilian clothing is booby-trapped with explosive devices

Ukrainian Soldiers inspect destroyed Russian military machinery in Bucha after recapturing the town from Russian forces

Ukrainian soldiers inspect destroyed Russian military machinery in the areas recaptured by the Ukrainian army on Sunday

A woman carrying two shopping bags walks past a destroyed Russian army tank, not far from the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv

A Ukrainian soldier waves the country's flag at a checkpoint in Bucha, not far from the capital city of Kyiv, on Saturday, April 2

Tanya Nedashkivska reacts as she mourns her husband Vasyl Ivanovych, who served in the navy, and was killed by Russian soldiers, next to his grave at the garden of their residential building in Bucha

A woman hugs a Ukrainian serviceman after a convoy of military and aid vehicles arrived in the formerly Russian-occupied Kyiv suburb of Bucha

A man walks with bags of food gave for the Ukranian army in Bucha. Former heavyweight champion boxer Wladimir Klitschko visited Bucha to accuse Putin of 'genocide' after mass graves filled with civilian corpses were found after Russian troops left the Kyiv suburb